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Support videostreaming in mobile devices - Druckversion

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Support videostreaming in mobile devices - Adam - 19.02.2015


How do you support videostreaming on mobile devices (use webcontainer/panel to put view from IPcam in visualization)?
It is now that Android does not support MJPEG and on some iOS devices there is only one thirst snapshot from IP cam.
I think there are some steps to resolve it ( just like video proxy server ):
1) (connect from LAN localization) use www static html page on IIS Server with picture and refresh it at one or more second. The src attribute of picture definied url cam IP with snapshot.cgi? function to make snapshot. Create url link to the local page in LCN-GVS
2) (connect from WAN localization) use www dynamic php/asp pages on IIS Server. Dynamic page is a server -side construct and send to the Android client page with picture and without dynamic code. Android get page with picture and without link to the picture. Create url link to the local page in LCN-GVS but use in this link WAN IP with port (like 80) and redirect connection on the router to the local IIS Server IP

........or something else?

- Adam - 19.02.2015

3) Of course Can establish VPN tunell is secure and not need to disclose IIS to the internet and have connection to the local IP range
Video element in LCN-GVS is always looking for sources on the local subnet - does not mediate the transmission (like proxy) refers client directly to the source (redirect)